Unreal Engine Architecture

Unreal Engine Architecture

Igor Levdansky bio photo By Igor Levdansky

Software Architecture

Software Hierarchy

Unreal Engine applications are built around the idea of a scene graph, where a Scene contains Actors, which are composed of Components, which are then composed of other complex logic.


All Unreal Threads

C++ Preprocessing

Unreal allows for users to annotate their C++ to have Properties and Functions be accessible to the editor and thus, blueprint classes that inherit from your C++ code.


#pragma once

#include "Runtime/UMG/Public/UMG.h"
#include "GameFramework/Pawn.h"
#include "Probe.generated.h"

class AProbe : public APawn

  AProbe(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer);

  /** Exposes sphere component to editor */
  UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = Collision, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
  class USphereComponent* SphereComponent;

  virtual void BeginPlay() override;

  virtual void Tick( float DeltaSeconds ) override;



#pragma once

#include "Runtime/UMG/Public/Blueprint/UserWidget.h"
#include "ExperimentUserWidget.generated.h"

 * A UMG Widget that fades in/outs
class UExperimentUserWidget : public UUserWidget
  UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = Rendering)
  void DrawCurrentTask(FString string);

  virtual bool Initialize() override;

  virtual void NativeTick(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, float InDeltaTime) override;

You can even convert your Blueprints to C++ code!

Blueprint Nativize Functionality

Unreal Modules

Similar to Angular 1.x, Unreal has a built in module system to manage plugins. Even your game is a module that is executed by Unreal (thus the main module). Your application would begin by calling a Unreal Macro to create a module that can be loaded by Unreal.

#include "Engine.h"
//and #include anything else.

IMPLEMENT_PRIMARY_GAME_MODULE( FDefaultGameModuleImpl, NameOfModule, "Name of Module" );

You can create modules for plugins, for games, expansion packs, you name it!

Modules are managed through a C# scripting interface.

#include "Engine.h"
//and #include anything else.

IMPLEMENT_PRIMARY_GAME_MODULE( FDefaultGameModuleImpl, NameOfModule, "Name of Module" );
using UnrealBuildTool;

public class NameOfModule : ModuleRules
    public NameOfModule(TargetInfo Target)
        new string[] {
        //And Any other Plugins

        new string[] {
//YourGame.Target.cs (Is it a Game or in Editor mode?)
using UnrealBuildTool;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class NameOfModuleTarget : TargetRules
    public NameOfModuleTarget(TargetInfo Target)
        Type = TargetType.Game;

    public override void SetupBinaries(
    TargetInfo Target,
    ref List<UEBuildBinaryConfiguration> OutBuildBinaryConfigurations,
    ref List<string> OutExtraModuleNames
        OutExtraModuleNames.AddRange( new string[] { "Name of Module" } );



Rendering is done by queuing up command buffers, basically functions that are executed by the render thread that perform graphic logic. Every single Unreal engine draw call boils down to enquing rendering tasks to Unreal’s render scheduler:


Slate UI System

Draw Event Order

Unreal UI Draw Cycle

Unreal performs a lot of batched draw calls in the UI for efficiency.

Unreal Click Draw Cycle

Right Click Menus and Tooltips are actually just render targets that are placed on top of the main window, rather than their own unique windows.

Core Render Pipeline

Unreal Engine 4’s rendering pipeline is pretty complex, so let’s break it down into steps:

├─ 🚩 Frame 1 
│   ├─ ⚪ InitViews               # Initialize/Update data structures
│   ├─ ⏰ TemporalSamplingSetup   # Temporal Anti-alias calculations
│   ├─ 🔲 BasePass(es)            # Albedo, Normal, Roughness/Metallic, Depth
│   ├─ 🌓 ShadowDepths            # Shadow Maps
│   ├─ 💨 MotionBlurVelocities    # Motion blur calculations
│   ├─ 💡 Lights                  # Direct/Indirect Lighting
│   ├─ 🔎 ScreenSpaceReflections  # Reflections
│   ├─ 🌎 Atmosphere              # Atmospheric scattering
│   ├─ 📹 PostProcessing          # Temporal Anti-Aliasing, Motion Blur, Bloom, etc.
│   └─ 🎦 SlateUI(s)              # Unreal UIs
└─ 🚩 Frame 2...

Base Pass Animation

There’s a lot more to it than just those things, but the key to it all is the Base Pass step (pictured above) where your materials get rendered, and the Post-Processing step where your scene goes through color toning and cool effects like motion blur.


As as smart level of indirection, Unreal has a built in Input mapping system where instead of keys, you can describe actions and map keys to those actions, just in case the player wants to remap users ( or needs to in the case of him/her having a disability).

void AProbe::SetupPlayerInputComponent(class UInputComponent* InputComponent)

  // Unreal maintains a dictionary of "Keys" or "Axes"
  // You can bind callback functions or read from these values
  // After they're bound to your class.


