Learning Graphics

Learning Graphics

Igor Levdansky bio photo By Igor Levdansky

Resources for learning computer graphics


LearnOpenGL is an extensive resource for learning and understanding the OpenGL API and acts as a great entry to developing a computer graphics / game engine. It offers detailed tutorials from beginner to more advanced topics.

It was created by computer graphics enthusiast Joey de Vries who has kept it updated since 2014 and plans to publish a physical copy for offline access.

3D Graphics Using OpenGL

This Youtube playlist by Jamie King is a fantastic resource for learning OpenGL at a deeper level. Over the course of the series he covers the basics of the API as well as development of a 3D engine up to the point of doing lighting and shadows. There is a particularly good section on Matrix Transformations which he shows visually using a custom built tool to help explain the ModelViewProjection relationship. The series is a little older now and hasnt been added to since 2016.

Jamie taught computer graphics at the University of Utah, which reflects in the quality of his explanations and use of humour throughout the video series. He now works as a Senior Software Engineer at Nvidia.

The Cherno OpenGL Series

This Youtube video series by The Cherno covers getting started with OpenGL and has a focus on more advanced C++ concepts like abstraction as well as a method of using ImGui to create a test framework for the project scenes. Unfortunately the series stops short without getting into too much depth but he has other videos on his homemade engine Hazel.

Yan Chernikov (The Cherno) was previously a Software Engineer at Electronic Arts until he left in 2019 to focus on his educational Youtube channel.